Sunday, January 3, 2010

A New Year, A New Resolution

It is no secret that I am not a film lover. My movie collection is minimal and includes a few Disney VHS tapes and a small selection of chic flicks. Compare this to my husband, who has hundreds of DVD's from various genres and well-known directors of Oscar and Golden Globe fame, and have a startling contrast. When I watch a movie, I want to be entertained. I do not look to the strength of the screen writing or the angles of the cinematography. If it makes me laugh or gives me a good sappy romance, I am a happy girl.

My husband's dream is to be a screen writer. He finds so many films brilliant, and I find them simply awful. So, in the interest of making our marriage stronger, of having more common ground, in appreciating his passion, I have taken on the task of watching 100 movies in the year 2010. Just to give you all a heads-up...I think I watched 4 movies in 2009. I make a pledge to watch all genres and to engage in stimulating conversation and analysis after each one. I hope this journey will give me a new passion in life, and increase the bond I have with Rich. So, here it goes....

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